If you have been trying to make money on line for any time at all, you all must have come to realize that there is NO magic button or 3 click systems, that generate massive amounts of weekly, monthly and residual monthly income. Right? Right, so let's get that out of the way immediately.
In my last post I showed you a totally FREE offer to join a site that gives you squeeze pages to choose from, because you have to have a squeeze page!! I don't think 1 person took me up on that free offer???? Sometimes things sound too good to be true, and usually they are, but hey, I am trying to build trust and an audience and a list!! Do you think I would right off the bat, lie to you and get you hooked on some thing that I say is free but it's not?
Well if you feel that way you are sadly mistaken. This blog is to help people in the cheapest most effective way possible to get you earning money on the internet. Plain and simple! Will some offers earn me a few bucks along the way? I sure hope so, but that is not the primary goal of this blog, so it's your decision, either follow me or don't. But there is one thing I can assure you, you will never see a lie or some scammy offer or review. I am only going to recommend things I am using, or have used and have a clear opinion of. This isn't THE HOTTEST OFFER OF THE DAY! blog. If you want that there are plenty of those around trust me.
So, in my last post and being true to my word, not only do you need a squeeze page you need an auto-responder. Now there are a ton of them out there. As I mentioned I tried getresponse first, but I wasn't that happy after researching them and after looking at, icontact, mailchimp, GVO and a bunch of others I chose Aweber! It has the best service I think and it also gets your emails into people's in box and not into spam at a higher rate than some of the other one's, which is key! After all, the purpose ids to build a list and if your email goes to someone's spam box, chances are much greater that they won't open your correspondence! So below is a link or banner for Aweber, I do get a small referral fee for sign ups but it is really the best one. So if you want a build a quality list, I would highly recommend them and I think they give you a month to try it out for free or for a $1. So get to building your list!!! This is the single most important thing you can do for your business!! This works for online and OFFLINE businesses as well. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!! This is true if you are a full time internet marketer or a brick & mortar business that is trying to capture leads. It will work for anyone and AWeber is by far the best service out there, and really for a $1 trial offer for the first month it is really a no brainer! So get going! Build your list! You can't do anything without it. It is the simple Holy Grail! DO NOT buy any product that tells you it requires NO LIST etc.. It is a COMPLETE LIE! Click on the icon below and sign up, anyone can use this, and, everyone SHOULD use this!

Try AWeber's Email Marketing Tool Risk-Free
One more thing! Have you heard of bitcoins? Well it is a relatively new thing called Crypto-Currency, that is really starting to gain some steam! A lot of people don't understand it but it is real money! A lot of companies are accepting these alternative coins as payment now, including Apple. I believe 1 bitcoin is worth approximately $455.00 U.S right now! Anyway there are a ton of different coins to choose from I just chose to highlight bitcoin because it is probably the best known. Well I have found a site that gives you pieces of these coins delivered to your email every 24 hours for free! There are absolutely no strings attached! It takes 2 minutes to sign up and every 24 hours you get a notification that you have received a certain amount of bitcoins, litecoins, fedora coins, feathercoins etc...
It id free money people. Once you join up I will show you how you can get more of these coins and you can also trade them and make more money!! It is not unusual for some coins to increase in value 200, 300, 400% in a single day!! So take 2 minutes and sign up to the link below, I can answer any questions you have, especially if you add your email to my list at the right hand column of this blog(hey, I'm trying to build a list too!!!) check it out, you have absolutely nothing to lose and I send out some pretty interesting SHORT emails weekly about this currency. So please join up and get your FREE coins!!!
In my last post I showed you a totally FREE offer to join a site that gives you squeeze pages to choose from, because you have to have a squeeze page!! I don't think 1 person took me up on that free offer???? Sometimes things sound too good to be true, and usually they are, but hey, I am trying to build trust and an audience and a list!! Do you think I would right off the bat, lie to you and get you hooked on some thing that I say is free but it's not?
Well if you feel that way you are sadly mistaken. This blog is to help people in the cheapest most effective way possible to get you earning money on the internet. Plain and simple! Will some offers earn me a few bucks along the way? I sure hope so, but that is not the primary goal of this blog, so it's your decision, either follow me or don't. But there is one thing I can assure you, you will never see a lie or some scammy offer or review. I am only going to recommend things I am using, or have used and have a clear opinion of. This isn't THE HOTTEST OFFER OF THE DAY! blog. If you want that there are plenty of those around trust me.
So, in my last post and being true to my word, not only do you need a squeeze page you need an auto-responder. Now there are a ton of them out there. As I mentioned I tried getresponse first, but I wasn't that happy after researching them and after looking at, icontact, mailchimp, GVO and a bunch of others I chose Aweber! It has the best service I think and it also gets your emails into people's in box and not into spam at a higher rate than some of the other one's, which is key! After all, the purpose ids to build a list and if your email goes to someone's spam box, chances are much greater that they won't open your correspondence! So below is a link or banner for Aweber, I do get a small referral fee for sign ups but it is really the best one. So if you want a build a quality list, I would highly recommend them and I think they give you a month to try it out for free or for a $1. So get to building your list!!! This is the single most important thing you can do for your business!! This works for online and OFFLINE businesses as well. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!! This is true if you are a full time internet marketer or a brick & mortar business that is trying to capture leads. It will work for anyone and AWeber is by far the best service out there, and really for a $1 trial offer for the first month it is really a no brainer! So get going! Build your list! You can't do anything without it. It is the simple Holy Grail! DO NOT buy any product that tells you it requires NO LIST etc.. It is a COMPLETE LIE! Click on the icon below and sign up, anyone can use this, and, everyone SHOULD use this!
Try AWeber's Email Marketing Tool Risk-Free
One more thing! Have you heard of bitcoins? Well it is a relatively new thing called Crypto-Currency, that is really starting to gain some steam! A lot of people don't understand it but it is real money! A lot of companies are accepting these alternative coins as payment now, including Apple. I believe 1 bitcoin is worth approximately $455.00 U.S right now! Anyway there are a ton of different coins to choose from I just chose to highlight bitcoin because it is probably the best known. Well I have found a site that gives you pieces of these coins delivered to your email every 24 hours for free! There are absolutely no strings attached! It takes 2 minutes to sign up and every 24 hours you get a notification that you have received a certain amount of bitcoins, litecoins, fedora coins, feathercoins etc...
It id free money people. Once you join up I will show you how you can get more of these coins and you can also trade them and make more money!! It is not unusual for some coins to increase in value 200, 300, 400% in a single day!! So take 2 minutes and sign up to the link below, I can answer any questions you have, especially if you add your email to my list at the right hand column of this blog(hey, I'm trying to build a list too!!!) check it out, you have absolutely nothing to lose and I send out some pretty interesting SHORT emails weekly about this currency. So please join up and get your FREE coins!!!

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